Non Feasance Law and Legal Definition
Non feasance is the failure to perform a legal duty. In contract non feasance is a total omission to perform a contract. In tort the term non feasance is used to describe an inaction that results in harm to a person or property.
An act of nonfeasance can result in liability when:
(1)the actor owed a duty of care towards the injured person;
(2)the actor failed to act on that duty; and;
(3)the failure to act resulted in injury.
The term non feasance is to be distinguished from mis feasance and mal feasance. Mis feasance is the improper doing of a lawful act. Mal feasance is the doing of an act not ought to be done by the person doing it.
Legal Definition list
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- Ab Assuestis Non Fit Injuria
- Absoluta Sententia Expositore Non Indiget
- Accessorium Non Ducit Sed Sequitur Suum Principale
- Actus Me Invite Factus Non Est Meus Actus
- Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea
- Ad Quaestiones Facti Non Respondent Judices; Ad Quaestione Legis Non Respondent Juratores
- Administration De Bonis Non
- Administration De Bonis Non Cum Testamento Annexo
- Administrator De Bonis Non [D.B.N]