Non Linear Income Law and Legal Definition
Non linear income means the disproportionate income that a person receives for his/her job every month. It means that the incomes that a person receives for his/her employment vary according to the hours that s/he has contributed. The variation in the income will not be the same.
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Ab Abusu Ad Usum Non Valet Consequentia
- Ab Assuestis Non Fit Injuria
- Absoluta Sententia Expositore Non Indiget
- Accessorium Non Ducit Sed Sequitur Suum Principale
- Accrued Income
- Accumulated Taxable Income
- Actus Me Invite Factus Non Est Meus Actus
- Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea
- Ad Quaestiones Facti Non Respondent Judices; Ad Quaestione Legis Non Respondent Juratores
- Adjusted Gross Income