Noncommercial Telecommunications Entity Law and Legal Definition
According to 47 USCS § 397 [Title 47. Telegraphs, Telephones, And Radiotelegraphs; Chapter 5. Wire Or Radio Communication, Special Provisions Relating To Radio, Assistance For Planning And Construction Of Public Telecommunications Facilities; Telecommunications Demonstrations; Corporation For Public Broadcasting; General Provisions], the term "noncommercial telecommunications entity" means any enterprise which:
(A) is owned and operated by a State, a political or special purpose subdivision of a State, a public agency, or a nonprofit private foundation, corporation, or association; and
(B) has been organized primarily for the purpose of disseminating audio or video noncommercial educational and cultural programs to the public by means other than a primary television or radio broadcast station, including, but not limited to, coaxial cable, optical fiber, broadcast translators, cassettes, discs, microwave, or laser transmission through the atmosphere.
Legal Definition list
- Noncommercial Scientific Institution
- Noncommercial Licensee [Patents]
- Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station
- Noncommercial Education Broadcasting Entities
- Noncommercial Aviation [Internal Revenue]
- Noncommercial Telecommunications Entity
- Noncommercial Webcaster [Patents]
- Noncommunity Water System
- Noncompatible
- Noncompetitive Action
- Noncompetitive Bid
Related Legal Terms
- Accrediting Entity [Adoption]
- Alaska Native Entity
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications Card
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications System
- Bankruptcy Remote Entity
- Brand Identity
- Business Entity
- Business Entity Concept
- Charges for Mobile Telecommunications Services
- Child Identity Theft