North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization Law and Legal Definition
The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) is an international organization established under the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean. The NASCO was created in 1983 to conserve, restore, enhance, and rationally manage Atlantic salmon through international cooperation and consultation.
The NASCO is headquartered in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Only governments are members of NASCO, which has seven Parties: Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Norway, the Russian Federation and the U.S.
Legal Definition list
- North American Wetlands Conservation Act
- North American Standard Inspection [Transportation]
- North American Industry Classification System
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- North American Development Bank
- North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
- North Slope Science Initiative [NSSI]
- Northeast Corridor
- Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
- Northern Cheyenne Tribe
- Norwich Order
Related Legal Terms
- 527 Organizations
- Advanced Conservation Practices
- African Elephant Conservation Act
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- Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program
- Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
- Alaska Native Organization [Education]
- Amateur Sports Organization
- Anadromous Fish Conservation Act
- Animal Protection Organization