Nuclear Explosive Duties Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 712.3 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter III Department of Energy; Part 712 Human Reliability Program; Subpart A Establishment of and Procedures for the Human Reliability Program; General Provisions], nuclear explosive duties means “work assignments that allow custody of a nuclear explosive or access to a nuclear explosive device or area.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Advanced Nuclear Facility [Energy]
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
- Alert [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- American Declaration on the Right and Duties of Man
- Analytical Run [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Armed Escort [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Arson and Possession of Explosives
- Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
- Authorized Nuclear User
- Bullet/Resisting [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]