Oceangoing Ship Law and Legal Definition
According to 33 CFR 151.05 [Title 33. Navigation And Navigable Waters; Chapter I. Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Subchapter O Pollution, Part 151 Vessels Carrying Oil, Noxious Liquid Substances, Garbage, Municipal Or Commercial Waste, And Ballast Water, Subpart A Implementation Of Marpol 73/78, General], ‘oceangoing ship’ means “a ship that:
(1) Is operated under the authority of the United States and engages in international voyages;
(2) Is operated under the authority of the United States and is certificated for ocean service;
(3) Is operated under the authority of the United States and is certificated for coastwise service beyond three miles from land;
(4) Is operated under the authority of the United States and operates at any time seaward of the outermost boundary of the territorial sea of the United States as defined in § 2.22 of this chapter; or
(5) Is operated under the authority of a country other than the United States.
Note: A Canadian or U.S. ship being operated exclusively on the Great Lakes of North America or their connecting and tributary waters, or exclusively on the internal waters of the United States and Canada; is not an "oceangoing" ship.”