Official Grader Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 7 CFR 54.1 (Title 7, Agriculture; Subtitle B, Regulations Of The Department Of Agriculture; Chapter I, Agricultural Marketing Service H1 (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department Of Agriculture; Subchapter C, Regulations And Standards Under The Agricultural Marketing Act Of 1946 And The Egg Products Inspection Act; Part 54, Meats, Prepared Meats, And Meat Products (Grading, Certification, And Standards);Subpart A, Regulations; Definitions) the term Official Grader means “an employee of the Department or other person authorized by the Department to determine and certify or otherwise identify the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of products under the regulations.”
Legal Definition list
- Official Forms
- Official English Movement
- Official Device [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Official Development Assistance [ODA]
- Official Detention
- Official Grader
- Official Identification [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Official Immunity
- Official Information
- Official Mark (Agricultural Product)
- Official Memorandum( Agriculture)
Related Legal Terms
- Appropriate Official
- Association of Management Officials
- Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials - International
- Bankrutpcy Official Forms
- Bond Official
- Chief Elected Local Official
- Chief State Election Official [Federal Elections]
- Covered Executive Branch Official
- Covered Legislative Branch Official
- Debarring Official [Education]