On the Job Training Law and Legal Definition
On-the-job training is training that takes place at the work site and is supervised by a manager or an experienced coworker. Certain jobs require on-the-job training under the policy of the individual employer. Some jobs are required to provide on-the-job training under federal laws.
For example, On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a federally mandated training program for highway construction contractors. Its aims include to:
- Train the future highway construction workforce
- When appropriate, OJT can be used as an affirmative action tool to assist contractors in meeting their Equal Employment Opportunity obligations
- Possibly lead workers into the apprenticeship system that results in journey level status
Also, the Department of Labor offers registration for apprenticeship programs. As the apprentice demonstrates satisfactory progress in both the on-the-job training and related instruction, they are advanced in accordance with the wage schedule as outlined in the registered Apprenticeship Standards.
The following is an example of a federal statute defining the term 'on the job traning':
According to 22 CFR 62.2 [Title 22 Foreign Relations; Chapter i-Department of State; Subchapter G Public Diplomacy and Exchanges; Part 62; Exchange Visitor Program; Subpart A; General Provisions], on-the-job training means “an individual's observation of and participation in given tasks demonstrated by experienced workers for the purpose of acquiring competency in such tasks.”
Relevant legal forms include:
Regulatory Training Requirements Compliance Guide: Federal, Updates
prepared by Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc, Originally prepared by
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) et al.
Training Requirements for HealthCare Facilities: Regulatory Compliance
Guide, Updates Prepared by Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc., Originally
prepared by Environmental Resources Managements (ERM) et al
California Training Requirements Compliance Guide - Book