Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act Law and Legal Definition
The Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act is a federal legislation that regulates antifouling paints containing organotin biocides which is used to prevent the build-up of barnacles and other encrusting organisms on vessels. The Act is applicable on vessels that are less than 25 meters in length and are coated with organotin antifouling paint which accounts for a large amount of the organotin that is released into the aquatic environment. The Act prohibits certain organotin antifouling paints and organotin additives. The Act also prohibits sale or purchase from, another person an antifouling paint containing organotin. Hence, the main objective of the Act is to protect the aquatic environment by reducing immediately the quantities of organotin entering the waters of the U.S. [33 USCS § 2401].