Reemployed Annuitant [Office of Personnel Management] Law and Legal Definition
According to 5 CFR 359.202 [Title 5 -- Administrative Personnel; Chapter I -- Office of Personnel Management; Subchapter B -- Civil Service Regulations Part 359 -- Removal From the Senior Executive Service; Guaranteed Placement in Other Personnel Systems; Subpart B -- General Provisions], reemployed annitant means “an individual who is receiving an annuity under the Civil Service Retirement System or the Federal Employees' Retirement System on the basis of his or her former Federal service. A reemployed annuitant serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.”
Legal Definition list
- Reemployed Annuitant [Office of Personnel Management]
- Reemployed Annuitant
- Redundant Allegations
- Reduction-in-Force Procedures
- Reduction Certificate
- Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance
- Reenactment Rule
- Reengineering
- Reentry
- Reentry Accident [Aeronautics and Space]
- Reentry Incident [Aeronautics and Space]