Regulatory Floodway Law and Legal Definition
According to 44 CFR 59.1 (Title 44 - Emergency Management And Assistance, Chapter I - Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department Of Homeland Security; Subchapter B - Insurance And Hazard Mitigation; Part 59 - General Provisions; Subpart A – General), Regulatory floodway means “the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Alert [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Analytical Run [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Appropriate State Regulatory Authority
- Armed Escort [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Bullet/Resisting [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Circadian Variation in Alertness and Performance [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Colorado River Floodway Protection Act
- Designated Self-Regulatory Organization
- Dose Commitment [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Federal Depository Institutions Regulatory Agency