Taxable Liquid Fuel [Internal Revenue] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 26 CFR 48.4041-8 (d) [Title 26 Internal Revenue; Chapter I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; Subchapter D Miscellaneous Excise Taxes; Part 48 Manufacturers and Retailers Excise Taxes; Subpart F Special Fuels], the term Taxable Liquid Fuel (or Taxable Liquid) means “any liquid which is either --
(1) Diesel fuel as defined in paragraph (e) of this section,
(2) Special motor fuel as defined in paragraph (f) of this section, or
(3) Any liquid fuel used in an aircraft in "noncommercial aviation", as defined in paragraph (h) of this section.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Accumulated Taxable Income
- Accumulation plan [Internal Revenue]
- Actuarial Present Value [Internal Revenue]
- Adjusted Average Fuel Economy
- Advanced Biofuel
- Airport Revenue [Aeronautics and Space]
- All Substantial Rights to a Patent [Internal Revenue]
- Alternate Payee [Internal Revenue]
- Alternative Fuel
- Alternative Fuels Business