Teach-Out Agreement [Education] Law and Legal Definition
According 34 CFR 602.3 [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter VI -- Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education; Part 602 -- The Secretary's Recognition of Accrediting Agencies; Subpart A – General], the term teach-out agreement means “a written agreement between institutions that provides for the equitable treatment of students if one of those institutions stops offering an educational program before all students enrolled in that program have completed the program.”
Legal Definition list
- Teach-Out Agreement [Education]
- TEACH Grant Eligible Program [Education]
- TEACH Grant Eligible Institution [Education]
- Teach-Out Plan [Education]
- Teacher
- Teacher Adviser System
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program [Education]
- Teacher Mentoring
- Teacher Preparation Program [Education]