Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) Law and Legal Definition
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) created in 1935 is a state agency that regulates all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry in Texas. The duties of the commission include regulating sales, taxation, importation, manufacturing, transporting, and advertising of alcoholic beverages. The agency is headquartered in Austin and was formerly known as the Texas Liquor Control Board. The commission publicizes and enforces rules governing the labeling and advertising of all alcoholic beverages sold in the state. It also enforces a standard of quality, purity, and identity of all alcoholic beverages. The commission promulgates and enforces necessary rules to safeguard the public health and to insure sanitary conditions in the manufacturing, refining, blending, mixing, purifying, bottling, rebottling, and sale of alcoholic beverages. It tests the contents of any alcoholic beverage manufactured or sold in the state to protect the public health and safety. The commission makes sure that a product complies with state law, commission rules and is properly represented to the public. TABC aids in financing state’s public schools, local governments, research, human services, and other areas in which state government provides services to all Texans. The Alcoholic Beverage Code which was enacted to protect against involvement of the criminal element in alcoholic beverage trafficking authorizes the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission to:
1. Grant, refuse, suspend, or cancel permits and licenses in all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry,
2. Supervise, inspect, and regulate the manufacturing, importation, exportation, transportation, sale, storage, distribution, and possession of alcoholic beverages,
3. Assess and collect fees and taxes;
4. Investigate for violations of the Alcoholic Beverage Code and assist in the prosecution of violators;
5. Seize illicit beverages;
6. Adopt standards of quality and approve labels and size of containers for all alcoholic beverages sold in Texas;
7. Pass rules to assist the agency in all of the above.
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is composed of three members appointed by the governor for six-year terms with the advice and consent of the Senate.[Tex. Alco. Bev. Code § 5.38].
Legal Definition list
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