Total Reserves [Internal revenue] Law and Legal Definition
According to 26 USCS § 816 [Title 26. Internal Revenue Code; Subtitle A. Income Taxes; Chapter 1. Normal Taxes and Surtaxes; Subchapter L. Insurance Companies; Part I. Life Insurance Companies; Subpart E. Definitions and Special Rules], total reserves means--
“(1) life insurance reserves,
(2) unearned premiums, and unpaid losses (whether or not ascertained), not included in life insurance reserves, and
(3) all other insurance reserves required by law.”
Legal Definition list
- Total Reserves [Internal revenue]
- Total Quality Management
- Total Preventive Maintenance
- Total Off-Duty Period [Transportation]
- Total Monthly Military Compensation
- Total Return Swap
- Total Return Swap Agreement
- Total Risk-Based Capital Ratio
- Total Supply of Nonbasic Agricultural Commodity
- Total Time on Duty [Transportation]
- Total Value of Additional Commodities
Related Legal Terms
- Accumulation plan [Internal Revenue]
- Actual Total Loss
- Actuarial Present Value [Internal Revenue]
- Adjusted Total Assets
- Airport Revenue [Aeronautics and Space]
- All Substantial Rights to a Patent [Internal Revenue]
- Alternate Payee [Internal Revenue]
- Approved Terminal or Refinery [Internal Revenue]
- Architectural and Transportation Barrier Removal Expenses [Internal Revenue]
- Audits Internal