Transitional Living Youth Project Law and Legal Definition
According to 42 USCS § 5732a [Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare; Chapter 72. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Runaway and Homeless Youth; General Provisions], the term "transitional living youth project" means a project that provides shelter and services designed to promote a transition to self-sufficient living and to prevent long-term dependency on social services.
Legal Definition list
- Transitional Housing Grant Program [Department of Justice]
- Transitional Housing [HUD]
- Transitional Employment [Education]
- Transitional Bilingual Education
- Transition Services
- Transitional Living Youth Project
- Transitional Rehabilitation Services
- Transitional Yield
- Transitory Action
- Transitory Wrong
- Translator
Related Legal Terms
- Activities of Daily Living (Elder Law)
- Additional Living Expense Insurance
- Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
- Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Project
- Antarctic Marine Living Resource Convention Act of 1984
- Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- Assisted Living
- Assisted Living Residences
- At-risk Youth Recreation Grants
- Biomass Energy Project